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Using Strengths (And Weaknesses) for the Lord

Mar 25, 2025 | Gospel Tech Podcast

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Tech is amazing at helping us leverage our strengths for productive purposes. Organized people become more organized, social people become more social, and the doers of life get more done. Yet that same tech that allows us to truly shine in areas God has gifted us can be equally distracting, and even destructive, when our weaknesses show up. We can make more mistakes, faster than ever before. We can also put our trust in our amazing, God-given abilities and be tempted to believe that we can do good works on our strength. Those never end well. So today we’ll talk about how we use the best tech well in the areas of our strengths, as well as our weaknesses, and remember together that our goal isn’t to be productive, or even impressive, but to use all the tech that makes much of Jesus.

Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4hITtVn 

Article by Nathan Sutherland

Nathan is the co-founder of Gospel Tech and a former teacher. He's married to his best friend, Anna, and is dad to three kiddos. His passion is seeing families set free—and is committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
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