There Are Two Types of Tech
1. Tool Tech: Tech we use to create.
2. Drool Tech: Tech we use to consume.
Tool Tech & Drool Tech are not simply “good” and “bad” tech. Instead they are an easy way to distinguish types of tech that can have more negative behaviors.
A growing body of research shows Drool Tech rewards us with dopamine through fast-paced interactions and digital feedback. The hyper-arousal caused by Drool Tech can have significant negative health impacts. Drool Tech can:
- Impair our attention (Mendoza, Pody, 2018)
- Reduce our test scores (Beland, Murphy, 2015)
- Lower our cognitive capacity (Weis, Cerankosky, 2010)
- Impact the integrity of our brains’ white matter (Lin & Zhou et al, 2012), (Wing et al, 2013)
- Distract from important work and relationships that demand prolonged attention (David Levy, UW Professor: Life Interrupted)
- Develop mental disorders in children (Electronic Screen Syndrome, 2012)
- Increase likelihood of depression (Twenge et al, 2017)
Understanding these two types of tech will help us fight for our children, not with them, when it comes to making healthy tech choices. If you’d like more information on Tool and Drool Tech, check our post that takes a Deeper Look at Tool vs. Drool Tech!
pc: Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash