For Parents
Tools + Resources

Free Game Review Tool
Should my child play this game?
Gauging video games can be overwhelming. Which games are ok and which ones are too far for fun? We’ve made an easy-to-use tool that empowers you to assess and discuss games quickly and easily with your child. Enter your email and get your free Game Grade tool and tutorial.

Now Available–Gospel Tech Online Workshop!
This video series is designed to equip parents with Gospel truth, relevant tech information, and practical tools to raise kids who love God and use tech.

Join The Monthly Tech Challenge
Each month we’ll post a tech challenge that helps push us beyond our comfort and recognize some of the ways tech may be slipping to unhealthy extremes in our lives. Sign-up and commit to doing this challenge with us for a month. Together we can better love God and use tech.

News & Articles
We offer curated articles to help you address parents’ biggest tech concerns:
- What are the different types of tech?
- Is my child’s tech use healthy?
- Should I give my child a smartphone?
- What can I do to make sure my family’s tech is healthy?

Gospel Tech Talk
A conversation for parents feeling outpaced and overwhelmed as they raise kids in a tech world. Listen in each week for our ongoing conversation with tools, resources, and encouragement to help families love God and use tech. New episodes every Tuesday morning.

Created by Bloomfield