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Supporting Gospel Tech

As a nonprofit we are donor supported! Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to equip families to love God and use tech. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We couldn’t do it without you!

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.

Welcome To

The Gospel Tech Podcast

A resource for parents who are feeling outpaced and overwhelmed as they raise children in a tech world. Our goal: Equip parents with the tools, resources, and confidence they need to raise kids who love God and use tech. Join us every Tuesday for a new episode!

New Episode

Parenting Video Games

Video games can be amazing, but many young gamers struggle with balancing their digital adventures with their real life opportunities. Today answer three questions every parent needs to ask about video games:

– Is this a priority for our family?
– Is…

All Episodes

193. Take a Tech Sabbath

Sabbath is a gift. It’s not a rule meant to ruin our fun, it’s a present we are to open and enjoy. But how do we sabbath in a tech world? Today we talk about the three ways we can practice sabbath with our tech and begin to enjoy the rest and presence…

192. Taking a Break from Tech

Sometimes tech is just too much for a child, or for a season, and we need to take a step back. I want you to know two things:

– It’s reasonable and loving to remove unhealthy tech. Take a tech break.
– Tech breaks need to be 30 days.
If you’ve given…

191. How To Talk With Our Children About Pornography

Disclaimer: This story contains sensitive content that may not be safe for young ears. Consider putting in earbuds if you have kids present.

How do we best protect our children from pornography in a tech world? The answer may surprise you.

Yes, we…

190. Why Your Child Doesn’t Need a Phone at School

As hope-focused parents who use all the tech that helps our children, and none of the tech that hurts them, our children don’t need smartphones at school. In fact, to quote a pro in the field of smartphones and social media, we need to get phones of…

189. Use Tech on Purpose (Prep Tech for School #3)

There’s LOTS of stuff out there we could be doing. Many of those options are either morally neutral or even good (working out, time with friends, playing sports, serving at church).

The question is, what will get your time this week, when push comes…

188. Build a Hedge (Prep Tech for School #2)

We’re on to part 2 of prepping our tech for school!

Now that we’ve assessed our tech, we need to build a hedge around it. We need to build a hedge around our:
.📱 Devices
.🎮 Network
.🏡 Family

This first step provides a next-step for tech…

The Gospel Tech Update: 2023

This past year we have grown faster than we ever dared dream, and I want to take the chance to share what God has done in 2022, our vision for 2023, and how you can join us on this journey to help families love God and use tech.

Show Notes:…

186. Assess Your Tech (Prep Tech for School #1)

It’s time to prep our tech for school! We’re going to do this in three parts and spare everyone the 1+ episode this almost became. 🤪

We first need to assess our tech. We need to know:
.📺 What tech are we using?
.⏱ When and where are we using it?

185. Thriving in a Tech World

All of us want to thrive, but what does it mean to do so in a tech world from a Biblical standpoint?

I recently read a book where the author encouraged readers to “do today, thrive tomorrow”. At it’s core this is a beautiful reminder to “go to the…

184. Summer Tech Check-In

How’s your tech going this summer? Summer comes with less structure, more free time, and different hours — generally we’re not waking our children up at 6am in the summer to get their rears in gear.

A tech check-in takes just a couple minutes, and…

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Meet The Hosts

Hi, we’re Nathan and Anna Sutherland. We’ve been married nearly 15 years. As millennials, we remember getting off the couch to change the channel AND we get frustrated with poor wifi. We’re committed to reminding families how Jesus changes everything: even our tech use.

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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