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As a nonprofit we are donor supported! Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to equip families to love God and use tech. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We couldn’t do it without you!

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.

Welcome To

The Gospel Tech Podcast

A resource for parents who are feeling outpaced and overwhelmed as they raise children in a tech world. Our goal: Equip parents with the tools, resources, and confidence they need to raise kids who love God and use tech. Join us every Tuesday for a new episode!

New Episode

Six Questions to Ask When Choosing Tech

Our kids ask us for all kinds of tech, and as loving parents we love to give them good gifts. So how do we know which tech they should use and which they should avoid? Today we’ll walk through the six simple questions that will help us choose great…

All Episodes

How Do We Know Our Identity In Christ? (Can We Talk Series)

What does it mean to be a Christian? It seems simply, we’ve all known this since summer camp: Put your faith in Christ and you get eternal life. But is that what Jesus taught us? What did Jesus say about his power for our life today, not just our life…

We Got Healthy Children Wrong

Jonathan Haidt’s new book changes the tech conversation. From this moment onward, no one can respond to concerns about tech with “nuh uh” and be taken seriously. The research has been compiled, the conversational table has been set with delicious…

How Can We Know God? (Can We Talk Series)

We can know God. Not just as a theory, or a vague idea, but as a person to interact with, talk to, and be loved by. Today we discuss how we can know God, why it’s reasonable and relevant to do so, and what knowing the God of the Bible means for the…

The World and The Devil (Three Temptations of Tech, Part 2)

Martin Luther, in summarizing many church fathers and mothers, cited the three temptations that draw us away from God: The flesh, the world, and the devil. Technology offers the same three distractions from God’s best for us, and today we look…

Three Temptations of Tech (Part 1)

”The devil’s three temptations of Christ aren’t about getting him to “sin”, as we think of it, but to get him to take his rightful kingdom by an easier road—to do the right thing in the wrong way.” -John Mark Comer, Live No Lies.

Today we discuss the…

Why is God Relevant? (Can We Talk Series)

God matters today. Many of us believe that, but we need to connect that truth to our daily lives in a world filled with frenetic goal chasing, instant gratification technology, and the many fears being shouted from every digital rooftop. Today’s…

My Kid Is Ready For Tech. Now What?

How do we teach our children to use tech well? We’ve setup hedges, we’ve assessed tech health, and we know the lies tech will tell us. Today we discuss how to help our children use tech well by looking at the fruit, the fit, and the safety of our new…

Tech and Our Children (Can We Talk Series)

Today we focus on the “tech” of culture, God, and tech. Nathan Sutherland shares a bit of what we can do to be intentional with our tech use, how we can talk about tech with our children, and how there is great hope for tech used well for ourselves…

Keeping Tech Healthy

We continue our conversation about how to use to use tech well with a look at how to keep our tech use healthy. We do a quick dive into RESET and building hedges, and equip ourselves with the information we need to fight for our children, not just…

Our Strange Cultural Moment (Can We Talk Series)

Our cultural moment is unique because we aren’t just post Christian, we’re quite nearly pre-Christian. As a middle school teacher Nathan Sutherland saw the number of students who didn’t have proper context to understand even simple Biblical text…

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Meet The Hosts

Hi, we’re Nathan and Anna Sutherland. We’ve been married nearly 15 years. As millennials, we remember getting off the couch to change the channel AND we get frustrated with poor wifi. We’re committed to reminding families how Jesus changes everything: even our tech use.

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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