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Supporting Gospel Tech

As a nonprofit we are donor supported! Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to equip families to love God and use tech. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We couldn’t do it without you!

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.

Welcome To

The Gospel Tech Podcast

A resource for parents who are feeling outpaced and overwhelmed as they raise children in a tech world. Our goal: Equip parents with the tools, resources, and confidence they need to raise kids who love God and use tech. Join us every Tuesday for a new episode!

New Episode

Using Strengths (And Weaknesses) for the Lord

Tech is amazing at helping us leverage our strengths for productive purposes. Organized people become more organized, social people become more social, and the doers of life get more done. Yet that same tech that allows us to truly shine in areas God…

All Episodes

Celebrating God’s Work This Past Year

Today’s episode is a celebration of what God has done, with your support, in Flint and Iron and Gospel Tech this past year. We’ve grown in reach and resources, we’ve developed amazing relationships, and we have reached more families with hope and help…

Talking Tech with Your Children

Talking about technology can be an amazing win for both parents and children. In today’s conversation we break down how we can talk about tech’s benefits, potential drawbacks, and it’s fit for our family as we tackle even the hardest tech…

Should Your School Go Phone Free?

School is starting and smartphones are at the center of the conversation. Should our schools ban smartphones? Today we’ll talk about how parents and schools can take steps to ensure the best possible outcomes for students and staff, while including…

Gospel-Centered Tech

My new book, https://lionpress.org/products/gospel-centered-tech-raising-faithful-followers-of-christ-in-a-digitally-distracted-world, equips parents, leaders, and mentors talk about tech health, communicate the gospel, and connect the hope of the…

The Graceful Disconnect (Author Interview with Anna Sutherland)

The Graceful Disconnect is a guide for parents to foster deeper family connections and faith and avoid the common pitfalls of tech-saturation in daily life. In today’s conversation Anna walks us through what inspired this book, how it will help…

Keeping Tech Safe This Summer (Five Tech Fixes #3)

Summertime provides an amazing opportunity for us to discuss the fifth of the Five Fixes for unhealthy tech: Loving Boundaries. Today we’ll discuss how to build open communication around tech, which is the basis for any meaningful tech change, and…

Making Summer Fun (Five Tech Fixes #2)

Summer is an amazing time for adventures. The key to great making summer fun? Real world, analog adventures. Today we’ll dive into how we can make this happen even with busy schedules and small budgets.

Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3S9D7Lk

How Do I Manage Tech This Summer? (Summer Tech, #1)

Summer is here, and our children have a lot more time on their hands. How do we help them navigate the tech that helps vs. hurts? I’ve received a number of queries from parents and I’m using three recent scenarios to inspire our conversation on how we…

Sutherland Family Tech Check-In

Anna joins us today to talk about how summer changes our tech rhythms, where we’re struggling to use tech well, and how we can implement one of the Five Fixes to improve our summer fun and tech health.

Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3XJdN2n

What Will You Be When You Grow Up? (Talking with Teens #5)

Young people are asked this question from the time they can speak. Yet what we do isn’t as important as who we are while we’re doing it. In today’s conversation we’ll discuss what we’re called to do as followers of Christ, and reflect on whether our…

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Meet The Hosts

Hi, we’re Nathan and Anna Sutherland. We’ve been married nearly 15 years. As millennials, we remember getting off the couch to change the channel AND we get frustrated with poor wifi. We’re committed to reminding families how Jesus changes everything: even our tech use.

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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