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Supporting Gospel Tech

As a nonprofit we are donor supported! Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to equip families to love God and use tech. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We couldn’t do it without you!

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.

Welcome To

The Gospel Tech Podcast

A resource for parents who are feeling outpaced and overwhelmed as they raise children in a tech world. Our goal: Equip parents with the tools, resources, and confidence they need to raise kids who love God and use tech. Join us every Tuesday for a new episode!

New Episode

Using Strengths (And Weaknesses) for the Lord

Tech is amazing at helping us leverage our strengths for productive purposes. Organized people become more organized, social people become more social, and the doers of life get more done. Yet that same tech that allows us to truly shine in areas God…

All Episodes

Six Questions to Ask When Choosing Tech

Our kids ask us for all kinds of tech, and as loving parents we love to give them good gifts. So how do we know which tech they should use and which they should avoid? Today we’ll walk through the six simple questions that will help us choose great…

Starting the New Year with Healthy Tech

We can ensure our tech is healthy to start the New Year by answering three simple questions:

– What type of tech are we using?
– What tech is most concerning right now?
– What can we do instead?
Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4h88y2H

Best of 2024: Little Choices Matter (Talk to Teens #1)

It’s tough being a kid. Being raised in a tech world is even worse. In today’s conversation I talk directly to the teens in our lives, and give a reminder that yes, our choices matter, and God’s call is even bigger than our mistakes. (Originally…

Best of 2024: Intentional Parenting

Prioritizing isn’t one of my gifts. I’ve got great energy, I’m adaptable, and I can do a great job being present. Being prepared is another thing. While I’d love to justify my lack of planning on account of my spiritual superiority (I’m clearly a…

Thank You! (A 2024 Review)

This year has seen God provide again and again for the relationships, resources, and opportunities to do the work of both Flint and Iron and Gospel Tech. Thank you, listeners, for being such an active part of helping us reach more families, make…

Talk Tech This Christmas Break

Christmas Break is a great excuse to talk about tech with your family. Your family is going to have more free time on your hands, more people to visit(along with their devices), and all of this means it’s a great chance to talk about your expectations…

Keeping Tech Safe at Family Holidays

Christmas is coming, and so are those hangouts with family and friends who aren’t in your usual rotation. These are the times when new tech can show up, and intentional conversations and boundaries can help our children and family stay safe with their…

Intentional Time This Season

The holidays are a chance for us to be deliberate with our time. As followers of Christ we have the chance to do more than simply survive this season–we can:

– Seek out opportunities to be amazed at God’s goodness
– Connect with those God has put…

Analog Adventures for Christmas!

Christmas is an amazing chance to inspire and invest in high quality, high-engagement activities. Today we’ll talk about five of our favorite ways to engage the minds and hearts of young people in real-world, tech-free play.

Show Notes:…

Saved For More Than Freedom

The great news of the gospel is that we are saved from sin and set free to live freely. Today we look at how this truth goes further than just being from from making mistakes and dives into the freedom we have to own our mistakes, repent, and lead our…

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Meet The Hosts

Hi, we’re Nathan and Anna Sutherland. We’ve been married nearly 15 years. As millennials, we remember getting off the couch to change the channel AND we get frustrated with poor wifi. We’re committed to reminding families how Jesus changes everything: even our tech use.

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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