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Supporting Gospel Tech

Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to love God & use tech to equip families to raise healthy youth in a tech world. Thank you for being a part of this purposeful work–We could not do this without you! 

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.



There are two kinds of tech. What is your family using?

There are two kinds of tech. What is your family using?

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Raising Porn Resilient Children

Raising Porn Resilient Children

When addressing the topic of pornography today we can’t just say “not my kid!” We know that 98% of young people will see pornography by the time they’re 18.​​ So what do parents need to do?​​ I had a chance to speak with Greta Eskridge of @maandpamodern and she gave...

RESET #1: Relationships & Responsibilities

RESET #1: Relationships & Responsibilities

How do I know if my child's tech use is healthy? We can actually know fairly quickly. We start by asking a simple question: Does their tech use get in the way of their relationships and responsibilities? I've talked previously about how there are really two types of...

Let’s Reclaim Play

Let’s Reclaim Play

“Play doesn’t just help us to explore what is essential. It is essential in and of itself.” -Greg McKeown We need to reclaim play. When we talk about technology, and especially about healthy tech, we must combat the idea that we’re somehow at war with play and fun. In...

Creating vs. Consuming: Clarifying Tool and Drool Tech.

Creating vs. Consuming: Clarifying Tool and Drool Tech.

There is a lot of scary tech research out there. We hear that tech can: impair attention (Mendoza, Pody, 2018) reduces test scores (Beland, Murphy, 2015) lower cognitive capacity (Weis, Cerankosky, 2010) be addictive (Freed, 2016; WHO March, 2018; Christakis, 2019) be...

Two Types of Tech: Tool & Drool

Two Types of Tech: Tool & Drool

There are two kinds of tech: Tool Tech & Drool Tech. It is important and parents to know the difference so we can raise healthy kids in a tech world.

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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