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Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to love God & use tech to equip families to raise healthy youth in a tech world. Thank you for being a part of this purposeful work–We could not do this without you! 

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.


Families + Tech

Is My Child’s Tech Use Healthy? (Start Here #1)

Assessing Healthy Tech This is the first in a series of “start here” posts. If you’re new to Gospel Tech, or if you’re just beginning to engage in this conversation around healthy tech, these posts are the starting point. When it comes to discussions around tech, I’ve...

Step by Step Guide to Install Covenant Eyes on iPhone

What is Covenant Eyes? Covenant Eyes (CE) provides image accountability for phones and devices. On the iPhone it is installed as an extension of the Safari browser, which means everything that is viewed in the browser will be accountable. This is a great option for...

Let’s Make a Screen Time Schedule

Let’s Make a Screen Time Schedule

With Christmas break upon us, the temptation to hand over a screen to quiet the whines of “I’m so bored” can be overwhelming. The days are long and dark—daylight runs out quick, making screens feel inevitable. Trust me, I know—we are approaching the shortest day of...

What Do We Mean When We Say Tech?

What Do We Mean When We Say Tech?

There are Two Types of Tech The first thing I want parents (and kids, really) to know is that there are two types of tech. Establishing this differentiation from the beginning helps us enter a conversation around potentially misuse of technology with fewer missteps. ...

Review: Yoto – A Lovely, Low(ish)-Tech Speaker

Review: Yoto – A Lovely, Low(ish)-Tech Speaker

Hello Parents, It's time for another review. This time we look at the Yoto Player, a screen-free audio player designed for kids. Let's dive in! Quick Overview: Yoto Play brands itself as “The Screen-Free Audio Platform For Children”. That might be confusing because...

How To Pick A Great Board Game

How To Pick A Great Board Game

One of the questions I get the most is how to pick a great board game. The most important part of selecting a good board game is to know your audience. When choosing a game, you need to know who will be playing. A great game for six-year-olds may be incredibly boring...

Discipling Children in A Distracted World

Discipling Children in A Distracted World

If our primary role as parents is to be disciple-makers, then we must consider how this is being prioritized in our homes.  The days are busy. We must be so intentional with our time and our conversations in order to be sure we are pointing our kids to Jesus along the...

We Demand Distraction

We Demand Distraction

We love to be distracted. We’ll pay good money for the opportunity to escape the present. In 2020 the tech industry brought in nearly $80 billion in app sales. While there are some incredibly useful apps out there, those aren't the ones making the big bucks. The top...

The Problem With Being Partly Present

The Problem With Being Partly Present

Lately, we’ve been getting this quasi-question from moms:  “Is it okay that I’m listening to podcasts while I’m home with my kids…?” This generally comes out as almost a confession. We might be chatting about general life (you know, kids who aren’t back in school yet,...

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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