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Supporting Gospel Tech

As a nonprofit we are donor supported! Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to equip families to love God and use tech. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We couldn’t do it without you!

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.

Nathan Sutherland

Nathan is the co-founder of Gospel Tech and a former teacher. He's married to his best friend, Anna, and is dad to three kiddos. His passion is seeing families set free—and is committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
Let’s Make a Screen Time Schedule

Let’s Make a Screen Time Schedule

With Christmas break upon us, the temptation to hand over a screen to quiet the whines of “I’m so bored” can be overwhelming. The days are long and dark—daylight runs out quick, making screens feel inevitable. Trust me, I know—we are approaching the shortest day of...

203. Nerd Dad Series: Part 5

203. Nerd Dad Series: Part 5

We nerds are known for going all-in. We are passionate about our areas of expertise and interest, so how do we know how far is too far? In today’s conversation we’ll talk about what to do when we feel the weight of the world in our souls, how to…

What Do We Mean When We Say Tech?

What Do We Mean When We Say Tech?

There are Two Types of Tech The first thing I want parents (and kids, really) to know is that there are two types of tech. Establishing this differentiation from the beginning helps us enter a conversation around potentially misuse of technology with fewer missteps. ...

Nerd Dad Series: Part 4

Nerd Dad Series: Part 4

My goal in these Nerd Dad conversations is to help dads do what they are called to do: Love God with all they are, and help their children do the same. You’re raising a little nerd, whether you like it or not. So, how do you do this well? In short,…

Nerd Dad Series: Part 3

Nerd Dad Series: Part 3

Today we continue our conversation about how we as nerd dads can both nerd well and love our children even better. We’ll cover specific steps we can take to make intentional time for God, fives accessible ways to pursue our wives, and the attitude we…

Nerd Dad Series: Part 2

Nerd Dad Series: Part 2

I hope that you enjoyed last week’s episode! This week is a continuation of that, and we’ll be discussing the concept of being a “nerd” in the context of Christianity, particularly for fathers. To review, a “nerd” is anyone with a niche passion, which…

Nerd Dad Series: Part 1

Nerd Dad Series: Part 1

Did you know you’re probably a nerd? The heart of a nerd yearns for something beautiful. As a nerd you aren’t satisfied with the way life is going now, yet other than trying to rebuild yourself as something else—something with abs and a mustache and a…

198. Parent Questions

198. Parent Questions

Today we answer questions from listeners like you! We’ll cover how to make tech safe, some solid tech choices for our younger tech users, and give some encouragement to parents who don’t even know where to begin.

If you’d like to submit a question…

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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