Parenting can be tough! In this digital world it's easy to feel like you're constantly one step behind. There are just so many apps, games, websites, videos and, on top of it, voices of people who seem to know more who keep telling you what to do. Today's episode is...
Nathan Sutherland
88. We Were Made For Adventure!
We were made for adventure. The God of the universe saw all he made and said "Let's make men and women in our image" (Gen. 1:27), and in the process we bring God glory not simply be being obedient, but by reveling in all of God's amazing creation. As John Piper says...
87. How Do We Talk With Our Kids About Tech?
Digital tech is everywhere, and it can be an amazing blessing. But how do we know when it's a blessing and when it's a distraction? Even more importantly, how do we talk about such a complicated subject with our children, teens and young adults? In today's podcast...
86. What Can We Do About Pornography?
Pornography is real and it is hurting our children's minds. 7/10 tweens and 8/10 teens will encounter nudity or content of a sexual nature online (Bark, January 2021). So what can we do? A lot! There is great hope for this conversation and very practical, loving steps...
85. Seven Small Bytes For Healthy Tech
What can we do with the Gospel when it comes to tech? What can we do, starting today, to apply the tech to our lives in faith? Today's conversation gives seven steps every family can take that put the Gospel at the center of our tech lives in practical ways, and that...
84. A Great Reminder For Back To School: An Interview with Roger Smith
Roger Smith is a 30+ year educator, the VP of a national sports camp, a parent of two young adults, and a major advocate for young people growing up in a tech world. Roger has been on the front lines of education since the advent of the personal computer and the...
83. Why Do We Need Transparent Tech?
We need to have transparent tech. Many of our digital devices are branded with the idea of freedom, privacy, and personal exultation: Our shows are selected based on our preferences. Our social media is populated by people who follow us. Our devices are encrypted and...
82. Back To School! How Can We Keep Our Tech Healthy?
It’s back to school time! So how do we keep our technology safe? Or, for many of us, how do we push tech back into the normal little box we used to keep it in? Today we’re going to talk specifically about how we can prepare for this new season of school and tech in...
81. Social Media, Comparison, And The Lie Of Pastor Porn
We have a problem with comparison. We are constantly trying to decide if we’re good enough for God, as parents, as citizens, based on how we perceive we rank to those around us. It’s for this reason social media is so devastating to so many of us. We are constantly...
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