We are called to disciple our children in the way they should go, but how? Today we're going to address what discipleship looks like in a tech world, and how we can all do it starting wherever we are today. Guiding verses today: Deuteronomy 6:4-9: “Hear, O Israel: The...

Nathan Sutherland

121. Question From a Parent: How Can I Make the Internet Safe at Home?
This past week I received a message from a concerned parent: "How can I keep the internet safe for my children at home?" She shared that a family friend recently disclosed a long-running struggle with pornography, and she was overwhelmed both by the potential dangers...
120. Five Adventures For Summer
We’ve been talking deeply about what it looks like to prep for summer, to live life intentionally in light of the Gospel, and today we’re going to talk about five ways to apply all that great info in our summer prep and plans. This is because today I’ve got five...
119. How Do We Handle Hard Times?
Today is a unique episode: I couldn’t fall asleep because this podcast was burning a hole in my brain. That’s never happened before. In fact, I had another conversation all queued up, and I bumped it to a future week. Today’s podcast is here as an encouragement, as a...
118. Tech Prep For Summer.
Summer time is amazing because it’s a break from the norm. Even though workdays continue at the same old pace, the weather changes, our kiddos are out and about, and there is a sense of freedom in the air that just doesn’t exist at any other time of year (except,...
117. Let’s Talk Safe Tech, A Conversation With Chris McKenna of Protect Young Eyes
Chris McKenna is a former CPA with Ernst and Young, turned youth pastor, turned family tech specialist and youth advocate. As you will hear in our conversation today, Chris has a passion for seeing young people use tech well and a nearly limitless knowledge of what it...
116. Three Lessons From Our First Work Trip!
We are hot on the heels of our first-ever work trip. It involved five talks in three days, a pair of cross-country flights, and three lessons that are amazing reminders that God is working in hearts around the US and the world. Thank you all for being on this journey...
115. Conversation With a Gamer, an Interview With Micah Roberts
Today we get a special treat: A conversation with my friend and former student, Micah Roberts. Micah is an avid gamer, he's gamed since before he can remember, and his insights are a valuable look not only into the world of gamers but also into the world of how we can...
114. How To Have High Expectation For Our Children With Tech
Having hgh expectations doesn't mean being unreasonable or mean. It means knowing what our children are capable of, and acting towards that belief in hope not fear. n today’s conversation Nathan talks through how he’s been learning this lesson the hard way, raising...
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