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Supporting Gospel Tech

As a nonprofit we are donor supported! Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to equip families to love God and use tech. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We couldn’t do it without you!

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.

Nathan Sutherland

Nathan is the co-founder of Gospel Tech and a former teacher. He's married to his best friend, Anna, and is dad to three kiddos. His passion is seeing families set free—and is committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
137. Back to School #5: Finding Balance with Video Games

137. Back to School #5: Finding Balance with Video Games

Video games can feel overwhelming for parents. How do we know if video games are a good idea? Which games should we pick? Today we answer these questions and give all parents a firm-foundation with which to love their children and make intentional…

Review: Yoto – A Lovely, Low(ish)-Tech Speaker

Review: Yoto – A Lovely, Low(ish)-Tech Speaker

Hello Parents, It's time for another review. This time we look at the Yoto Player, a screen-free audio player designed for kids. Let's dive in! Quick Overview: Yoto Play brands itself as “The Screen-Free Audio Platform For Children”. That might be confusing because...

135. Back to School #4: Making Friends in a Social Media World

135. Back to School #4: Making Friends in a Social Media World

Are smartphones and social media the new cul-de-sac? Do our children need to be online in order to have friends?

In today’s episode we talk about what it takes to make a friend, be a friend, and keep a friend in this digital world.

Show Notes:…

132. Back to School #2,Three Steps to Healthy Tech

132. Back to School #2,Three Steps to Healthy Tech

2/3 parents say they believe it’s harder to parent now than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technology as their reason (Pew, Auxier et al, 2020). That feels about right. Parenting can feel downright overwhelming in this tech world!


Episode 131 – Back to School, RESET Healthy Tech

Episode 131 – Back to School, RESET Healthy Tech

How do we prep our tech for school? We use a RESET.

In today’s conversation we’ll discuss the two types of tech, how to assess tech health, and some practical ways we can begin these conversations at home with children of all ages.

Show Notes:…

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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