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As a nonprofit we are donor supported! Your generous donations directly support Gospel Tech’s mission to equip families to love God and use tech. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We couldn’t do it without you!

Flint and Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax-exempt.

Nathan Sutherland

Nathan is the co-founder of Gospel Tech and a former teacher. He's married to his best friend, Anna, and is dad to three kiddos. His passion is seeing families set free—and is committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
169. Nerd Dads Raising Kids (An Interview With Justin Pavey)

169. Nerd Dads Raising Kids (An Interview With Justin Pavey)

Justin Pavey returns to the show for a third time to talk all things parenting, digital, and raising kids in a nerdy house with Jesus at the center. Today we discuss how we handle kids and video games, how we determine limits with tech, parenting…

168. What Tech Will Be Here When Jesus Returns?

168. What Tech Will Be Here When Jesus Returns?

He is risen! In light of Easter, let’s think about our eschatology of our technology. When Jesus returns, what tech will still be here?

Today I want to take a step back from teh daily hustle and bustle of buiolding hedges, gauging tech safety, and…

167. What If The Hedge Isn’t Enough?

167. What If The Hedge Isn’t Enough?

What happens when our child wants to make a mistake?

We’ve talked extensively about how to build a hedge around your network, devices, and family. We’ve talked about how to assess tech health, how to decide what tech to adopt, and how to remove and…

166. Making School Devices Safe

166. Making School Devices Safe

How do I set boundaries on school devices?

I was asked this question at every talk I gave this week. You’ve got an educational device. It’s not optional. So how do you help make it safe?

Today we’ll walk through how to build a hedge around your…

165. Should My Child Use TikTok?

165. Should My Child Use TikTok?

Do our children need social media? It might be the wrong question. There’s lots of stuff we don’t need but we still enjoy, and as loving parents we want to give them good gifts. So when your child asks for social media, or a smartphone (which is…

164. Can I Glorify God in Tech?

164. Can I Glorify God in Tech?

What if I work in tech?

There are quite a few of you. You work at Meta, Apple, Valve, Alphabet, and Microsoft. You work in engineering and design and retail and administration. You design user interfaces and cloud computing systems and Tool Tech and…

163. Should My Child Play Roblox?

163. Should My Child Play Roblox?

I get asked about Roblox more than any other game right now. It makes sense. The game has 200 million monthly players and something like 75% of boys aged 9-12 in the US play this game.

I’ve decided to take this question and make it the ultimate…

Gospel Tech  is a ministry of Flint & Iron, 501(c)(3), © 2025 | EIN 81-3835584

Created by Bloomfield

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