This episode is designed to help us as parents remember our role and recall important parenting truths. We address four lies we believe as parents about the tech our children use. When our children struggle with tech use, when they are way out of hand and we can see that things have gone from bad to worse, we often find ourselves paralyzed by one of these four lies:
- I’m not enough to help in this problem.
- It’s too late. The damage is already done.
- It’s my fault. I messed them up.
- If I step in now, I’ll lose my kid.
These four lies are powerful because they bring up all the parental shame that isn’t ours to bear. Yes, we are broken people and not at all perfect parents, and yet we are the very people that God has given these children to carry the Gospel to their broken hearts. God doesn’t call us to super-human effort to raise our children, he calls us to Holy Spirit powered faithfulness. This means we prayerfully and repeatedly pursue our children, despite our flaws, and we model what it means to be a repentant, loving, and determined pursuer of our kiddos. God never gives up on us, and we pass that same tenacious love along to our children.
This means we silence the shame that comes from these four lies. We are the front lines of loving our children well, and recognizing these lies for what they are enables us to better love our kids and helps us walk this journey as we work to love God and use tech.