All of us want to thrive, but what does it mean to do so in a tech world from a Biblical standpoint?
I recently read a book where the author encouraged readers to “do today, thrive tomorrow”. At it’s core this is a beautiful reminder to “go to the ant, you sluggard” and prepare in times of plenty for times of need. That’s both Biblical and wise.
But when these ideas extend from the internet’s idea of thriving, when it is the lynchpin in a conversation about reaching all God has for us, I take umbrage. This “best life now” language becomes our starting point and then we try to figure out how God fits into it.
Let’s be clear: Jesus didn’t come so we could become the best version of ourselves. He came that we might die to ourselves and live for Him.
Today our conversation looks at what it means to thrive in a tech world, and how we can do so well with the days, and talents, God has gifted us.
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