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119. How Do We Handle Hard Times?

May 31, 2022 | Gospel Tech Podcast

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Today is a unique episode: I couldn’t fall asleep because this podcast was burning a hole in my brain. That’s never happened before. In fact, I had another conversation all queued up, and I bumped it to a future week. Today’s podcast is here as an encouragement, as a public sharing of the reminder I very much needed from the Lord, and that I get to share with you: That our faith in Christ doesn’t save us from hurt and pain, it actually allows us to be more present in it and through it. Our call isn’t to safety, or to comfort, but to serving our God and King in whatever garden he should choose to cast us into (Luke 13:19).

In a tech world this means keeping certain truths in front of us, and prayerfully attending to how we address this life’s hardships with our children, with our spouses, and with the wide waiting world online and outside our front door that we are called to each day.


Verses referenced in this episode:

John 1:11 — Jesus came for all of us broken folks

Luke 5:31 — he didn’t come for the ones who look the best in a lineup

Revelation 2:1-18 — we are called to faithfulness, no matter the situation

Ephesians 2:1-10 — we’re saved for the world, not from it

John 15:1-10 — being connected to the vine determines our fruit (not our effort)

Matthew 22:37-40 — Jesus gives two commandments that encompass the entire OT.

Matthew 28:19 — Jesus gives his third commandment: go and make disciples.

1 John 4:19 – we love because he first loved us

Romans 5:8 – because he died for us before we ever asked for it

Rev. 19:11-15 — yet all of this grace and hope doesn’t mean we’re ok with sin. Jesus isn’t, and neither are we!

Article by Nathan Sutherland

Nathan is the co-founder of Gospel Tech and a former teacher. He's married to his best friend, Anna, and is dad to three kiddos. His passion is seeing families set free—and is committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
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